
I felt a mild surge of anticipation as I cut the firebox free of the fret and set to embossing the stay bolts and rivets from the back. Others are able to use half-etched rivet holes to make convincing, even rivets. Beautiful, even.

So far, this is not a skill I can count on. Maybe it is easier with a softer material, like brass. Next time I design something that requires half-etched holes to be turned into rows of closely-spaced rivets, I will include some practice rows in the fret.

Fortunately it is only the tightly-spaced rows at the corners and around the mud ring that are sub-par. These are mostly obscured by wheels or brake details. So the minor transgressions shouldn’t be too noticeable.

After all the dimples had been embossed, the surfaces had become concave. There was no way I could bend them with my fingers, and so, I annealed the part on the stove before straightening the bits that should be flat and bending the bits that shouldn’t be. The annealed surfaces oxidized and are more difficult to solder, even after a good rubbing with fibreglass pencil.

9 thoughts on “Firebox

  1. Rene:

    Amazing work. I got a couple different syringes of solder paste in the mail recently and am chomping at the bit to give it a try. You comment about annealed material made me wonder if this will help make that easier to overcome. I thing planned right now but thought I’d share it with you.

    Looks like you on track for a decent presentation when show time comes!

    Neil Erickson, Hawaii

  2. It works on dimpled brass. You might have an issue with the half etched hole being wrong sized to the die set but press tooling is easy to make in HO. Are the phosbronze wrappers .008 or 012?

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